Lots of great information here. Many questions answered…
Author: tobydorr
Sky News Podcast
Listen to the podcast from Sky News about Lisa’s battle for clemency.
Prayer from a stranger
A Facebook prayer… Father God, we are imperfect beings living in an imperfect world. We make imperfect decisions. Father God, I am praying to you today for the life of one of your children, Lisa Montgomery. Father God, I am praying today to ask you to spare her life. I am also asking that with… Continue reading Prayer from a stranger
A sister’s story
Protecting Lisa became my sole purpose in life. I shielded her from the random babysitters, often older men, Judy left us with for her near-nightly outings to the bar. When one of them came into our bedroom and raped me, I prayed Lisa would be safe from him. Read the story in Elle Magazine…
E Day
January 12, 2021 came much too fast. In fact, this whole series of executions came much too fast. What’s the rush? When I first saw a news bulletin saying that Lisa Montgomery was scheduled for execution I was sick to my stomach. I spent 15 months with Lisa while we were both incarcerated at the… Continue reading E Day