A Facebook prayer…
Father God, we are imperfect beings living in an imperfect world. We make imperfect decisions.
Father God, I am praying to you today for the life of one of your children, Lisa Montgomery. Father God, I am praying today to ask you to spare her life. I am also asking that with your wisdom, this case and all of the circumstances can be used as a learning tool to shed light on mental health issues, the causes of mental health issues and to bring more awareness of the far reaching damages of childhood abuse.
Father God, it is only you who has the authority to decide our ultimate fate and I pray that Lisa’s fate is solely in your hands and not in the hands of imperfect beings.
Father God, I pray for the victim and her family. I know this is an incredibly difficult time for them as well, but I pray for their peace and I pray for their happiness now and in the future. I pray that they have some sort of resolution and closure. I pray that they hear Your voice and hear Your wisdom.
God, I pray for all of those in Lisa’s life, I pray for their strength and their courage and I also pray that they too will find meaning and hope in whatever happens. I pray that they can find Your voice and Your wisdom. God, I know that whatever happens will be Your will and I pray that I can keep that at the forefront of my mind as I struggle to find my own peace in the inhumanity of all of this.
Father God, it is not for me to instruct You on Your will, but nonetheless I pray that Lisa can find some sort of peace and moments of happiness that was robbed from her so many times from so many horrible people.
And last, God, I pray to say thank you for my new friend in Christ, Toby. I pray for her strength.
Father God I pray all of this in Jesus name, Amen.